Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Knit in Public Week


This past week was World Wide Knit in Public week.  I was only out and about once during this time, but I tried to make the most of it.  I brought my Mom's Stripe Study Shawl with me when we went to visit my Grandma and I worked on it while we chatted.  Grandma said she thought it was pretty and wants to see it when it's done.  She also told my Mom that she should be knitting too, which I found funny since I've been trying to convince her of that recently.  She does knit, just not very much.  I know she would really enjoy it if she did though, she always likes to watch what I'm working on.  I ordered her some pretty ruffly yarn this week, so that's a good start.

The colour isn't quite accurate in this photo, the blue is more deep blue.
This is my beautiful Grandma, she is the Knitter.
The shawl is coming along nicely, I'm at 8 stripes right now.  I've been working on it in place of a vanilla sock (shocking, I know, but I don't have any socks on the needles right now), since all the garter stitch lends itself nicely to conversation and travel knitting.  

It was neat to see how interested a lot of the elderly people at the Rest-Home where my Grandma lives were in me knitting.  They didn't say much, but they'd come over to watch and see what I was doing.  One lady did comment, but in Finn, and I couldn't understand her.  She seemed like she thought the shawl was nice though.  That's one more reason why I really should learn Finn.  I'm working on Norwegian right now, but I may have to just jump in and learn Finnish soon too.

Crocheting Maybellene's body on the car ride home.
I also did some crocheting-in-public that same day when we were in the city.  I recently joined the Jackie the Cow CAL that Stacey Trock of Fresh Stitches is doing over on her blog and on her Ravelry Group.  My cow is going to be a girl named Maybellene.  I've been wanting to learn how to crochet better so I've been taking Stacey's Woodland Animals Craftsy course when I can.  Which unfortunately isn't very often because I can't watch the videos at home right now due to the dial-up, but I do watch them whenever I'm at my sister's house.  I've started the bluebird, but that's about as far as I've gotten in the course at the moment.  I eventually want to make all the animals, especially the raccoon.  In the meantime, I thought I'd take part in this CAL and try to learn what I can and get some more practice.  As you all know, I really enjoy making toys, so this is right up my alley.  Stacey has has so many other cute patterns, you should really check them out if you are into crochet.

Well, that's all for today.  Have a lovely weekend!


  1. Your crochet looks so neat in the pic above, wish mine was that even. I think its lovely you KIP moment came with a family knitter. I completely missed this years altogether, must try harder next time. Have downloaded my pattern gift, waiting to go to the shop and choose the perfect yarn for it. Thank you again x

  2. Your crochet looks great! So even and neat.
    Your grandmother is funny. Everyone should knit!
